What do people use to synchronize their christmas lights to music? - christmas lights synchronized to music
The light show - which coordinate these people to sound and light show with music?
What do people use to synchronize their christmas lights to music? - christmas lights synchronized to music
The light show - which coordinate these people to sound and light show with music?
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There are many options for this. Some are expensive, others not.
Cheaper, low-tech:
GE Lights and Sounds of Christmas (at Walmart, Lowe's, Sears, found ...) cost around $ 100. He has 6 individual circuits are preprogrammed to select up to 1440 watts of music power in advance and lighting. It is essentially a plug and play.
http://www.christmaslightshow.com/xcart/ ...
The most expensive:
There are three main hardware / software program that allows the light to the computer.
Select a song to divide it into small segments of time (such as segments of 0.10 seconds), and tell each individual circuit switch lights off, fade, shine or gloss.
Light-O-Rama (LOR): http://www.lightorama.com
D-Lights: http://www.d-light.us
D-Lights is the cheapest of the three, but you can assemble his own team.
LOR is the preferred supplier for residential screens. This is a complexSoftware, which is about 4 hours per minute of the song for channels 32-48 is for schedule. A channel is a unique circuit of lights to control you.
Animated Lighting is the most expensive, but it is easier to program. Your team is what living on a few screens of most object and display area.
Some favorite decoration sites are http://www.ChristmasUtah.com by Marty Slack (LOR);
Mike http://www.LightsOnDisplay.com/ Ziemkowski (AL);
http://www.LindsayLights.com from the family of Lindsay (LOR) in Canada;
Houses in the earth Christmas.com; http://www.planetchristmas.com/ShowingOf ...
The winners of the competition 2007 LOR decorating, the http://www.lightorama.com/Videos.html
Allen, Texas (Annalisa - A Dlight users) http://www.crazylightlady.us
and sent some customers Animated Lighting; http://www.animatedlighting.com/showcase ...
This link should help.
http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Your-Christm ...
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